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Enron Corp. Website
The Enron main corporate website, as it was before the resignation of Jeff Skilling.

It Includes:
  • About & Products + Services
  • Press Room & Investor Relations
  • Work at Enron & Contacts

  • Enron Wholesale Services
    The Enron Wholesale Services main site, plus avaliable sub-sections.

    It Includes:
  • Compression
  • Emissions
  • Fertilizers
  • Lumber
  • Petrochemicals
  • Principal Invesments
  • Steel
  • Weather
  • Wind

  • Enron Direct
    The Enron Direct marketing website.

    It Includes:
  • World Main Site
  • Canada
  • Spain (in Spanish -Enron Directo)

  • Enron Credit
    The Enron Credit website, without the parts that required login (as those weren't archived). It also features a reconstructed topbar, as also that wasn't archived.

    Florida Gas Transmission
    The FGT site as it was when it was part of Enron. Part of the ETS project.

    Enron Energy Services
    The Enron Energy Services main site.

    WIP Projects
    This is a list of current WIP projects, in various states of development.
